Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dave's picks for the June 2008 election

Here is the link to my usual election rantings on my website. Most of the links below will also go there.

Here are my picks for the California 12th congressional district. Click the links below to read them in more detail.

  • Green pick: Barry Hermanson. He is the only choice I have, since I am Green. He is a good guy.
  • Democrat pick: Jackie Speier. I think I am falling in love. She is serving out the remainder of Tom Lantos's term. And the first Congressional speech she made--blasting Bush over the Iraq war--had some repubs first boo her and then walk out. Fine, now, could you dirtbags please STAY OUT???
  • Republican pick: Mike Moloney. Yeah, I have already talked about him. The repub surprise. The link leads to my previous post about him.

Here is the link to my analysis of the propositions: I HATE 98! 99, YES YES YES! 98 is another piece of crap convincing you that if you don't destroy all rent control in California and gut water pollution laws also, that a bulldozer will flatten your house. HOW DUMB DO THEY THINK WE ARE?!?!?! YES on 99!!! (99 had to be put on the ballot so 98 would not do damage. These Jarvis guys have annoyed me enough that I made up a new term for them. You can click the link to read it.)

Here is the link to my vote on San Mateo issues. Click the link or scroll down to read it.

To make up my mind, I read my voter guide. I also looked up the San Francisco Bay Guardian endorsements.


Anonymous said...

I suppose you are NOT the David Strom who wrote the following:
“Don’t think that a few years of liberals in charge is that dangerous? Just take a moment to consider what liberals dream of doing once they gain absolute power. There is no aspect of our lives—none—that today’s liberals concede is off limits to the meddling use of government power. In their vision there is no dividing line between the public sphere and the private sphere. Limited government is a concept that makes no sense to them... Energy policies are just the tip of the iceberg—although control over energy gives government control over pretty much the entire economy already. In a world run by liberals literally no aspect of our lives will be outside the legitimate regulation of government. That is because anything—even what temperature you like to keep your house—can be turned into a matter of legitimate public concern. Everything we do, including breathing, eating and of course procreating, can be argued to have an impact on those around us or the great mother earth. And if it affects others, it can and should be regulated by those who know best, at least according to the liberals. Liberals want to regulate just about everything: where we live, what fuels we use, what car we drive, whether we can drive or be forced to use government mass transit, where we send our kids to school, what doctor we see, and even to what extent we express our approval or disapproval of others’ lifestyles. It’s hard to find something liberals don’t want to regulate. Is that a world you want to live in?” —David Strom

Dave Strom said...

Correct. I am a different David Strom.

"Good cop bad cop left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop." Vic Mackey, The Shield.